Playlist Challenge: Positive Role Model
Need a break from the fast-paced, paranormal gorefest that is In God’s Image? This refreshing 2000-word piece is what you need. In “Positive Role Model” by Rodney Frazier , students fight for a gay teacher, Mr. Cooper, after he was fired from a Catholic school for being in a relationship with another man. Stephanie and many other students disagree with this policy. They protest outside of the school and the outpouring of support catches the attention of journalist Veronica Mills.
This unabashedly feminist power ballad from the 2019 Aladdin remake is the voice of students coming together in support of their teacher. As someone who attended a Christian (but not Catholic) school, I understand just how difficult it is to stand up to harmful policies in Christian institutions. However, Stephanie did just that by protesting what she felt was the wrongful firing of Mr. Cooper.
One of the most pervasive ideas in Christianity today is being involved in a perpetual war with “the world”. This song, in contrast to the previous song, represents the thought process behind overcoming an “us-vs-them” mentality. Mr. Cooper’s supporters frame the issue in a way that it wasn’t about homosexuality in the church, but was about supporting a well-liked teacher during a time of need.
I invite neil chapman , Esther Spurrill-Jones , Sean Stephane Martin , BFoundAPen and Artemis Shishir to partake in the playlist challenge.