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How the Catholic Church Enabled Genocide in Croatia
The Catholic Church tells us to respect the dead yet won’t confront its own bloodstained history.
The same Catholic Church that calls human composting disrespectful funded and partook in the cultural genocide of Native Americans. This reveals that the Catholic Church does not care about respecting the dead at all. Rather, this institution cares about maintaining its influence as a religious and political organization.
Canada’s residential schools are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the Catholic Church’s disregard for the dead. The Catholic Ustasha, who wanted to keep Croatia ethnically ‘pure’, forcibly converted their Orthodox victims to Catholicism and mutilated. The Ustasha also killed and Roma, Serbs, and Jews by torturing them and throwing them into mass graves alive.
Not only did the Archbishop of Zagreb, Alojzije Stepinac, condone these activities, but he endorsed them. On Easter of 1941, Stepinac called the Ustasha state a “miracle of God” and enacted “ruthless crackdowns” on Serbs, whom he considered Croatia’s greatest enemies. Unlike the Nazis, the Ustasha were allowed to flee to other countries, such as Argentina and the US, and were kept safe from deportation.