CNN’s Kasie Hunt Describes Six-Year-Old Hind Rajab as a “Woman”

Honest mistake or undermining of a young girl’s tragic death?

Valentine Wiggin
1 min readMay 6, 2024
Video in which Kasie Hunt describes Hind Rajab as a woman

CNN’S Kasie Hunt referred to six-year-old Hind Rajab as a “woman” in a broadcast related to Columbia University students occupying Hamilton Hall and unofficially renaming it Hind’s hall to honor the girl. An Israeli tank fired a round into the car that Hind was trapped in for two weeks. Kasie Hunt’s words have enraged many netizens, leading many to accuse the national analyst of minimizing Hind’s death by making her seem older than she was.

This clip is a part of this broadcast that covers Columbia University demonstrations. In the comments, many netizens have expressed outrage at Hunt’s word choice saying that Hind was not a woman, but a child. One netizen called Hunt’s broadcast “sh**y journalism” while others wondered how CNN allowed this broadcast to air.

Although Hind is a popular name among Arab nations, the banner references Hind Rajab due to the tragic nature and widespread public knowledge of her death. Notably, CNN has reported on Hind’s death before. In this particular article, the authors, none of whom are Kasie Hunt, refer to her as a girl rather than a woman. In another video, she refers to Hind as a “young child”.

Since then, Kasie Hunt has not issued any sort of statement or apology regarding this choice of wording. This leaves the public to speculate on whether she intended to mislead the public or made an honest mistake with her phrasing.



Valentine Wiggin

Death-positive, sex-positive, and LGBTQ-affirming Christian. Gen Z. I hate onions. She/her